Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Our "Charlie Brown" Christmas Tree!

Our last Christmas in Colorado Springs we decided to be like the Griswalds and cut down our own tree! Our neighbor had done it for years and always had the most BEAUTIFUL tree! She assured us it was easy and only $10 for a permit so off we went. As we were traveling up the mountain road there was a sign that stated you should have chains or four wheel drive to continue on up the mountain. NO worries we moved forward in our chainless mini van. It seemed like we could keep going forever... and the kids were getting antsy so we found a good place to pull off the road. Hiked around for a little bit...none of the trees looked like my neighbors big, full noble fir. Pretty soon I could see that we were going to be leaving treeless so we just hacked down this tall scrawny tree and went on our merry way! I didn't think it was that bad until I was trying to put the lights on it...and realized there really weren't very many branches! (Note the lights hanging down in the picture!) Even then I didn't realize how bad it was until I found this picture from Kelsie's blessing day recently. WHAT A HORRIBLE TREE! I am just cracking up that I even let it in my house! And we took a picture in front of IT! I remember my family making fun of it and being a little irritated...I guess they didn't understand my sentimental attachment since we CUT the tree ourselves! So...the other funny part to me is the picture of us when we actually cut the tree. Again I have to say, What were we thinking?? Look at our attire? The saw? The newborn babe? (Yes, that's a real baby!) The two year old? These are all things that might make some people think twice before heading up into the mountains to cut down a tree...apparently not us! I'm glad we did it now...these pictures make me LOL! Kenna's face is seriously my fave.

P.S. One thing thing that makes this even funnier...in another life I've been known by friends and family to be VERY picky about our Christmas tree. I even used to make Red drive to multiple tree lots to find the PERFECT tree! WHATEVER! Sometime I'll have to post some pic's of our "perfect" trees. They are not nearly as memorable! I'm glad things don't have to be perfect at my house anymore. :)


Kami said...

That has to be the WORST tree ever! LOL!! I'm glad I was able to witness it in person (it was pretty bad:) But oh, the memories.

KATE said...

I'm so sad... I left a long witty comment, and blogger ate it! :)

Okay I'm still giggling about that tree and those pictures! I remember that tree quite well! I think Scott and I even have a picture in front of it! I have to say we all mocked it as much as we did because we knew the Kim from your past life and couldn't BELIEVE that was your tree! :)
So so funny! Perfect houses are overrated!

Kim said...

Okay...so really...no making fun of the tree. It still offends me just a little bit. Okay. ;)
Only positive comments about the tree! It has/had feelings too.

Marci said...

Love the photos! Love the story! Love the tree! Priceless.

♥Stef said...

Okay, that is the funniest thing I have ever seen. Thanks for sharing it with us.

coccifamily said...

Kim- You make me laugh! Thanks for sharing. You are an amazing lady. Thanks for always leading the way. Love ya- Nancy

♥ Michele ♥ said...

This post made me LOL!!! I LOVE the tree! Maybe you should make it a tradition every year to find a tree to top that one, THAT would be funny!