Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Kelsie, Mickelle, McKenna, Allie and Audree!
In July, we spent the day at Lagoon with some friends from our neighborhood, the Ereksons. We had a great time and stayed at the park from open to close. It was Hot, Hot, Hot! But, after lunch we all went on Rattle Snake Rapids and got soaking wet...it cooled us off for a while. I have to say, I was more impressed with Lagoon than I have been in the past. The flowers were beautiful and it just seemed like there was shade everywhere we went. Everyone but Kelsie went on Wicked...that is a one wild roller coaster! I feel like I've been on some pretty good ones in Orlando, but this one is crazy! I couldn't even open my mouth to utter a scream...a first for me! I'm not sure I'll be getting on that one again! It was a great day!

1 comment:

Marci said...

Yay for Lagoon! I agree, it is a little better than it used to be, in seems. And it is a people watching mecca. We recently went to Lagoon-a-Beach on a Sunday (shhhh, don't tell) and it must have been Gay Pride Day and Tattoo Appreciation Day. Honestly. I have never been more entertained.