Sunday, May 3, 2009

LaCrOsSe In ThE CoLd!

So the last couple of Saturdays have been spent watching lacrosse games. Six total! Allie's team has had double headers the last two Saturdays! I love watching my kids play sports. Really...I love it! What I don't enjoy is being cold, so this tends to be a problem. Last Saturday I honestly thought I would never be warm again! This is why I have never enjoyed Winter sports and have gravitated to Summer activities! Seriously these Spring and Fall sports are going to kill me! So...I'm dreaming of basking in the sun in a t-shirt and sunglasses watching my kids rock it on the lacrosse field....It will happen I just know it! :) My pictures of the kids aren't that greatest...I'm still mourning the loss of my favorite camera and trying to get used to my new one! :(

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