Friday, May 22, 2009

...More KraZy KeLsIe

I don't really know what to say about this...except it's just Kelsie! She walked in the other night with this gettup that included our cute;) dog! She has on: her dad's hoodie, her hello kitty backpack (full of junk) a scarf, a purse and sunglasses! Then she has poor Daisie in the stroller w/ her Hannah Montana hoodie on (the dog) and her baby in the back! She is a NUT!  I love it! She was having so much fun playing quietly by herself!

I promise to get the dog groomed soon...just waiting for her to heal completely. Then I'll post a "cute" picture of her!


Kami said...


KATE said...

Oh my word, she is so funny!